Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{read: Family drama} The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore

This is a warm, realistic story about what happens when three grown children and their families move back in with their parents for the summer. Each of the children has a crisis at hand, although they don't all share their true reasons for their extended visits immediately - or even tell their parents when they're leaving. Lillian has come with her two children (infant Philip and Olivia, who is three and five-eighths) after learning that her husband cheated on her while drunk at the office party. Stephen and Jane, who is pregnant, arrive for Stephen to have a weekend away from NYC where he works at home in their apartment. They get stuck there after Jane (a workaholic and the family's breadwinner) is confined to bed rest for the remaining 10 weeks of her pregnancy. And Rachel decamps to her parents' house after a miscarriage in the very early stages of pregnancy that has come after a bad breakup with her footloose and fancy-free boyfriend. How the children resolve their problems - and how their parents endure them while they do it - is enjoyable to watch. You root for them to succeed and find whatever happiness they can.

The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore (Reagan Arthur Books, 2011)
My rating: 4 stars

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