Monday, February 13, 2012

{crafts} Keepsake Papercut Tutorial from Etsy

Are you in need of a last minute Valentine's craft? posted this papercut tutorial. It would create a wonderful Valentine's card for a loved one. Enjoy. Original tutorial found at

Keepsake Papercut

In my own personal book of made-up lore, I like to think of St. Valentine as the patron saint of paper craft. Fictions aside, Valentine’s Day really has evolved into the perfect occasion to pick up some paper and sharp tools and start snip-snip-snipping away in the name of love. For this week’sHow-Tuesday post, Naomi Shiek of Woodland Papercuts has created a beautiful valentine for each of you. Print out her special design and make your own elegant card or photo frame for your sweetheart, grandma, teacher, or anyone else you’d like to send a little handmade love. Happy Valentine’s Day!
With Valentine’s Day nearing, cards are being bought, colored, and glued by countless sweethearts, from pre-school kids to grandmas. There are countless ways to make your love note, but there’s one I’m sure we’ve all attempted at one point or another: the papercut card. The tutorial below is a take on the old-school papercut card, though it can also double as a keepsake photo frame, which requires a higher skill level and a lot more patience than the average third grader can spare. This card will make for a sweet message to mail to your loved ones.
Supplies You’ll Need:
A self-healing cutting mat
Steel ruler
A sharp cutting knife and spare 30 degrees angle blades
A4 cover weight paper of your choice; something thick and stiff that can still run through a printer.
Printer (optional)
Gold pen and glitter or a wallet-size photo of your choice (optional)
2. Print out the template on your paper. If the paper is too thick for your home printer, print it at a local print shop.
3. Time to get down to business! Cut out the design on your self-healing cutting mat with your cutting knife, using a steel ruler when needed. Begin with the smaller shapes and work yourself to the bigger cuts that surround them. That way the paper won’t tear.
Tip: For an easier job, don’t use the standard blades that come with the scalpel knife. Instead buy a pack of the sharper 30 degree blades.
4. When you’re done with all that cutting, you can either write in your message at the center (I used a gold pen and glitter) or glue in a wallet size valentine photo instead.
That’s it, you’re done. Happy Valentine’s Day!
If you make your own papercut, share a photo with us in the Etsy Labs Flickr group.

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